Sunday, June 26, 2011

movie wallpapers

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  • calaway42
    10-21 12:26 AM
    heh.. i want edwin's comp!!:)

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  • aj1234567
    10-04 06:18 PM
    Any body got finger print appointment letter who filed on Aug3

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  • Avengers Movie wallpaper

  • hello
    04-14 12:36 PM
    Hope we can get more people here.

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  • Jai Veeru Movie Wallpaper Diya

  • lazycis
    12-21 05:20 PM
    The visa bulletin reads "..Section 202 prescribes that the per-country limit for preference immigrants is set at 7% of the total annual family-sponsored and employment-based preference limits, i.e., 25,620. "
    Does this mean 7 % limit per country is set to combined total of FB and EB category and not just EB? Also, does this mean 25,620 annual visa can be allotted for either one of these preferences, EB or FB?:confused:

    I have heard earlier that EB preference limit per country is ~9,800. How true does it stand by sections in INA?

    Nothing is confusing here.
    140,000 * 0.07 = 9,800 (EB1+EB2+EB3+EB4+EB5) (28.6% + 28.6% + 28.6% +7.1 % + 7.1 % =100%)
    Are we not high-skilled? :)


    movie wallpapers. Yuva Movie Wallpapers
  • Yuva Movie Wallpapers

  • putu99
    06-16 08:39 PM
    I am in a similar situation...I have been on an F1 visa for the last five years, and have just applied for my OPT. I will start work this August on my F1 OPT, and my employer was going to apply for my H1B visa shortly. However, my husband is on an H1 visa, and thanks to all the dates being current, he can now file his I-485.

    I would like to know if I can apply for an H1B *after* my husband files our papers for an AOS (I-485). The reason I ask is because I am not sure how long my husband's EAD will take to arrive (I have heard that perhaps due to everything being current, EADs and Advance Parole applications might get backlogged), and I know my OPT will expire next summer. Therefore before we make any decisions about I-485 filing I need to know if I will be eligible to apply for an H1 visa when I already have an AOS application on file.

    Thank you.

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  • Avatar Movie Wallpaper #5

  • TomPlate
    01-09 04:04 PM
    "I suppose this year's quota for EB3 India is not yet used (as small it may seem). My guess is, when EB3 processing begins, it should get your collegues out in 6 to 9 months from now."

    EB3 quota is like a spoon of rice from a bag of basmati :))
    It maked me laugh and a good one too. Any way now it is a feast, so everything is going to open.

    All EB priority dates are current.


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  • Bee Movie Wallpaper

  • gc1024
    07-17 07:00 PM
    Thanks man.

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  • Australia movie wallpapers

  • snathan
    04-15 10:39 AM
    Hi All,

    There are lots of people on the Face book who are getting affected by 221G for H1B/H14. Target those people individually and convince them to join us. Contact the members individually. Every member should convince at least 10 new members...we cannot afford to lose this. We will arrange for conf. call in the coming days…


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  • Iron Man 2 Movie Wallpapers HQ

  • jscris
    July 15th, 2004, 12:58 PM
    I love my Better Beamer. :) I think my last posted shot of the brightly sunlit finch wouldn't have been usable without the fill flash. Can you handhold that 300 2.8?

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  • Movie Wallpapers by Email

  • singhsa3
    07-16 05:47 AM
    I think it is a mistake to assume that EB2 category can be determined by wage levels
    Mine is Wage level -II but I have a masters from the US. It all depends on the job requirement.
    Also, I know a person who is wage level-III but is EB3.

    Further explanation can be found at


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  • Movie KAMINEY Wallpapers

  • satishku_2000
    07-28 06:30 PM
    My prediction for this year..

    EB1 = Current
    EB2 = Jan 2003 (Because of BEC cases coming out, chance for them to file I-485 in October)
    EB3 = U

    EB3 India may show Jan 23 500 B.C , but cant be U because the quota starts fresh in October. They goto 'U' only when respective category numbers for the country are exhausted for the year. Usually numbers will become unavailable only in last quarter of the year.

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  • chanduv23
    09-14 03:23 PM
    He is the best - I am at work - but will listen to the radio.

    Way to go logiclife - we are with you


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  • hindi movie wallpapers

  • chanduv23
    05-08 10:24 AM
    There are situations when a h1b transfer or extension is granted but the approval notice does not have a i 94 atttachment that adjusts your extension to stay till the end of your petition date. In such a situation, the benificiary has to go to his home country for stamping and then come back.

    The best thing you can do in your case is to approach murthy's firm and get a paid consultation.

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  • amoljak
    10-16 02:03 PM

    Based on current stats,

    LC - It will take about 4 months from the date you initiate your case with your lawyer
    140- Eb2 or eb 3 will take from 4 weeks to 4 months
    485 - If u are from India or China and based on current situation for Eb2 it could take upto 4 years and 6-7 years for EB3. If you are from Rest of the world it would be 1-2 years.

    However, if the SKIL bill passes, things could change and you could get the whole GC within 2 years or so.........Keep hopeful...that is what I am doing after 8 years on H1........with a MBA from a US University!!

    In addition to what final GC said, you need at least 3 months before you file the PERM labor cert application to do all the prep work, advertise etc.

    If your job falls under EB3 you are screwed no matter where you come from.
    But since you will be getting a Master's degree, you can work on H1B for a year, then get a different job which falls under EB2. That way you would start your green card a year later, but you will be able to file 485 with 140 and you will get your green card much sooner.


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  • mjdup
    02-17 01:30 PM
    Great job cataphract ! meeting in person helps a lot, I'm wishing MA volunteers step up and get motivated. Does red bull really work ;) just kidding, good luck.

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  • jr8rdt
    01-07 02:51 PM
    casinoroyale - can you clarify, you are contradicting yourself.

    your first email says: I have done paid consultation with murthy office on this matter. As per them, one can continue to work on H1B even after returning on AP.

    your second email says:
    Ok, after using AP there are two ways in order to reinstate H1B status.
    1) By applying H1b extension after entering on AP
    2) going out of country and entering with valid h1b visa stamp.

    -can or can't we use H1 after using AP.
    -what do you mean by "to reinstate H1 by applying H1b extension after entering on AP". are you saying that though the H1 expiration is say 2010 but since one is using AP to enter now (2008) one should apply for extension right away?


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  • roseball
    08-03 07:49 PM
    If your H1 already expired, you are out of status from the date your H1 ext was denied.....Open a Motion to Reconsider immediately.......

    Other option is to find another employer who is willing to file your H1 ASAP. Since the reason for H1 denial was not based on your profile but due to the petitioner, you should get your H1 transfer approved without any issues.....However, its solely upto USCIS whether to transfer your H1 as an extension of stay (I-94 attached) or without an extension (no I-94), in which case you will have to go out of the country, attend the visa interview and re-enter on the new company's H1....If the gap between the H1 denial and new H1 application is small, USCIS generally extends status without any issues.....As currently there is a gap in your H1 status, I dont think you can start working like others do based on the H1 transfer receipt notice......You should immediately consult an attorney and let him handle your case....The key for you is to act fast without any delay. Else, it will jeopardise your 485 application....

    Regarding 485, if your current employer is co-operative, then there will be no issues at all....You can just go back to work for him once you get the EAD......File Motion to Re-Open or H1 transfer ASAP....Good luck

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  • Wallpaper image from the movie

  • munnu77
    12-12 06:56 PM
    sorry if i am wrong..
    How can someonw get a result on 140 with in 6 months, whn the waiting period is more thn 1 yr..
    i just dont trust these consultants..

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  • reddy77
    03-08 08:06 AM
    I have a quick question on salary issue with 485. My EB2 I-140 states that my yearly salary 87k per annum. It got approved last year. I realized that my w-2 only reflects 64k for last year. I did not work for 2 months because of some personal reason. Is this less salary going to affect my 485 application? I thougt, GC is for future jobs so its okay. Can somebody please clarify this ?

    I believe the salary mentioned in the labor is the future salary, That means you should be paid that much after you got your GC. It is not the present salary...

    03-26 11:46 AM
    why will it retrogate again? we will see forward movement. be +ve and optimistic.:)

    It won't retrogress anytime soon... Logic/reasoning behind : don't ask ;-)

    Reading all other forums and posts by gurus/experts.. my guts feeling is it will move further for few more months atleast...

    07-13 10:13 AM
    I don't know if you guys are aware of this or not. In 1994 when US hosted the Soccer World cup, An Uruguyan player was granted direct Citizenship as US wanted to feild a respectable fight in front of their home crowds.

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